Kenya to Learn from India’s Electricity Distribution Reforms


Delhi India is the new Mecca for developing countries wishing to privatize electricity distribution.
The Delhi region power consumer base is around 4.231 million. The energy demand is approximately 5,000 MW. The power distribution companies were privatized in 2002, and the stake held by the central government through Delhi Power Co. Ltd is 49%.
Since privatization, the Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses have significantly reduced in Delhi from over 55% to 15%. The developing countries would like to gain this technical expertise to implement in their respective countries.
To take advantage of India’s capacity building relating to power distribution, Kenya Energy Regulatory Commission (KERC) and Kenya Power recently made a reconnoitering mission to Delhi with the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC).
Kenya Power has been the sole utility power distributor in Kenya for the last fifty years. With these new developments, is it time to end Kenya Power monopoly? – The Energy Bill 2015 seeks to do just that. Microgrid Energy, a US private company is set to be the new competitor from September 2015.
The Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO) has also partnered to train transmission engineers with India state-owned Power Grid Corp. of India Ltd (PGCIL).
Kenya improved electrical transmission system will reduce power outages and wide consumer base.
The other countries that have made a similar pilgrimage to India are Jamaica, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Tanzania.